First Inspection

0 Posted by - July 8, 2014 - Learn, Sailing, Salty Times

As soon as we saw her, I got butterflies.

She is a gorgeous boat with her bright blue sail covers and her baby blue deck. Two masts, yet loads of deck space… I instantly needed to pull myself up. I had to convince myself that she wasn’t the boat for us, so I could avoid any disappointment.


We met Ian, the boats owner. Ian is an salty sailor that has owned Charade for 20 years.  He gave us a grand tour of Charade, showing us everything. She was tidy, well maintained and was lovely to explore her.

I kept shooting sideways glances to Base to his vibe on Charade. It was hard to tell with him. He has a better poker face than me.  We were both trying to play cool and not giveaway the fact that we were both dreaming of what it would be like to live on Charade anchored at a tropical island with a surf break within paddles reach.

What was amazing to learn was that Charade is a surveyed vessel. This means it’s a boat that can be used for commercial purposes, like a sailing school or a charter boat.  Ian has run Southern Cross Sailing School on Charade for a number of years.

Charade Salty Times

Of course the instant possibilities run through my mind. It’s an amazing boat with a great opportunity that comes with it. But that little voice in my head was saying ‘ we can’t possibly make this happen’. Dreaming thoughts, but not necessarily a real choice for us…. We left and headed to the rock wall at sunset to have a beer and mull it over.

DCIM100GOPRONo poker faces here…


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