Coffee and computer clash

0 Posted by - July 24, 2016 - cruising, Sailing

Rainy, windy, and often bumpy days on the boat are days where I forget about surfing, snorkelling or exploring on land. Instead I pull out my lap top and type out my blog entries from my journal. So this one day I was doing just that. I made a coffee opened the laptop and a wave crashing into the side of the boat as I take my first sip of coffee lead to a splash on the keyboard.

We soaked it up, turned it off, and put it upside down to dry for over 24 hours. I was certain that two table spoons of coffee couldn’t be the end of my computer.

With my breathe held, I turned it on…. Nothing. It was Dead.

I want to tell you that I just took it on the chin and organised getting a new one. But no. I cried, I mourned and had a few days of cursing that coffee.

See my computer is how I make a living. ( I do online marketing and eco living courses online). I use it communicate with my friends and family. I use it to blog and share our adventures as we sail up the coast.

So here I was just North of Carnarvon, far away from towns, post offices, and even far away from good phone reception. The last 4 weeks have been a forced digital detox for me. One at times that felt extremely hard and other times I was grateful for the break.

I borrowed a computer from some friends we are cruising with and now I have a new one ordered ( a kick to our cruising budget, but hopefully it will make up for it in the end) and a place for it go to in Exmouth.

Over the last 3 weeks we have been exploring the Ningaloo coast in all of its glory. From surfing, to fishing, to whales galore and historic shipwrecks and lighthouses. We have had to hid from bad weather and really time our sailing to avoid 4m swells and strong winds. It’s been breath taking, invigorating, nerve-wracking and absolutely amazing.

So while we have been offline and up the coast with out a computer. We are still documenting and recording our journey so that we can be able to share it.

Stay tuned!


Jamie and Base

1 Comment

  • Ronnie July 26, 2016 - 1:53 am Reply

    We feel your pain for the loss of your computer.. Ours died right before our wedding due to a Bloody Mary spill over a half a year ago(a month or so after we got it, I know not the smoothest move we ever made). We didn’t have time after our honeymoon and before going back offshore for work to get it sent off. And the repair is going to be a swift kick in the pants too /:

    Glad y’all are still enjoying everything else!

    Ronnie and Michelle

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